Dark Night of the Soul
Rest gently with these images and quietly with my words for I’m stripping layers to find more of myself. The Dark Night of the Soul is neither dark nor night but rather soft and meaningless as these images portray.

Notice the lack of colour. The day these images were captured, I too was caught in the meaningless of the foggy gray day. I snapped the camera with lifeless fingers, no hope for any results, just habit and exercise with my dog Cruz for company. At least he had lots to smell and enjoy.

The tide like my mood of late was low and motionless.

These images rotting in my hard drive as ignored as the beach was abandoned. Cruz and I the sole occupants.

Finally in my misery I must delete or process, a difficult decision for the lack of colour and life stares back into my own being.

I recollect the many occasions filled with colour and action on this same beach. How could one mood match the day? Or was the day created by myself, my mood.

Finally my fingers glide over the images with minor adjustments here and there. I seem to find meaning and character in both the images and my changing moods of late.

Maybe, just maybe, there is purpose and meaning building. I notice how significantly different the style of these images are from my standard norm. Maybe there is creative expression flowing where nothing was seen before.

Maybe the dull gray is lifting exposing a beauty not seen before.

Stepping out to capture the best image blinds us to the presence of native beauty. Why not simply accept what's found and work with this moment.

Now present is a beauty not seen before, a new style, new life. Maybe now instead of looking for something I'll be present with what is.

Thanks for being present with me as I learn.